Big Game Draw Odds
Find out what your odds are to hunt your favorite big game species next year!!
Select a state to hunt - IDAHO
Select your residence status - NON-RESIDENT
Select the species to hunt - BULL MOOSE
Select your unit
1-1 4-2 10A-3 29 66A
1-1A 5 10A-4 36A 67-1
1-1B 6 10A-5 44 67-2
1-2 6-1 12-1 50 69-1
1-2A 6-2 12-2 51 69-2
1-2B 7 12-3 55 69-3
1-3 7-1 12-4 59 70
1-4 8 12-5 60 71-1
1-4A 8A 12-6 60A 71-2
1-4B 9 14-1 61-1 72
2 9-1 14-2 61-2 73
2A 10-1 15 61-3 74
2B 10-2 16A 62 75
3 10-3 16-1 62A 76-1
3A 10-4 16-2 63A 76-2
3B 10-5 17 64 76-3
4 10-6 19 65 77
4A 10A-1 20 66-1 78
4-1 10A-2 27 66-2